I started yoga as an exercise just like most of us do. But soon enough I realized it was so much than just an exercise. Yoga is a science of mastering your mind. We are using our physical body as a tool to manage our thoughts. We use the body to bring us to the present moment. The present moment is always the happiest moment. For example, while practicing a balancing pose you got to get the focus on your body and breath. To get into that simple tree pose, you have to integrate the body and mind and be in now or you will be off balance. The yog sutras by Patanjali are the way of living. Patanjali describes physical aspect of yoga in just 3 words “ sthira-sukham asanam.” All he says is when you hold a pose it should be stable and joyful and rest of his teaching are about the mind.
Now you will ask…whats the big deal about mastering the mind tell me if yoga can help me lose weight…so here is it.. if you can eat mindfully there is no way you can over eat. If you know how to manage your thoughts you won’t be stressed which will lead to a good night sleep and balanced hormones. You are already doing the physical practice to nourish your body.
Now if you only focus on the physical practice you will still get the benefits of strength and flexibility but I want you to look beyond the physical aspect. Yoga is as much on the mat as it is off the mat. This 5000 year old philosophy is so much relevant in today’s life.
And I teach what I believe in, be it a strong practice like Vinyasa, 108 sun salutations or a challenging/ basic pose in Hatha; work towards a transformation physically, mentally or emotionally.